In passive sentences all three forms of the verb use (past participle). In the passive voice sentences or the perpetrators of acts tool very often not mentioned. Said auxiliary in the passive voice should match the subject is derived from the passive object of a sentence (so not in accordance with the word help in the subject of the active sentence). Sentences with intransitive verb with the subject of the verb behind the actors who perform an act. In English the passive voice is used when the sentence is more appropriate (suitable) to say that the goods carried focuses on the perpetrators of such acts or if the perpetrator is unknown. Passive voice is the verb phrase beginning with Di and Ter. The passive voice is accompanied tense verb III (past participle) that describes things done (by the perpetrator).
a. The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
b. A story is being written by the students.
c. Simon will be invited.
d. Tomorrow the rabbits will have been fed by six o’clock.
e. he garden will have been watered by seven o’clock.
f. This programme will have been finished in a few days.
g. The walls of the building were cracked by the explosion.
h. The cake god burned.
i. He god blamed for the mistake.
j. Our children must be educated.
k. The law must be obeyed.
l. What are they doing at home? They are supposed to be at school.
m. Oh dear! I was supposed to phone rita but I completely forgot.
n. Let’s go and see that film. It is supposed to be very good
a. I’m looking forward to being greeted by Nancy.
b. Janet is fond of being told about love stories.
o. People object to being humiliated.
p. Peter stated that he had been influenced by his wife’s ambition.
q. The inspector told us that the name of the suspect was known.
r. Kevin is going to the optician to have his eyes tested.
One can change the
normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active,
but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.
in these examples how the subject-verb relationship has changed.
Because the subject is
being "acted upon" (or is passive), such sentences are
said to be in the passive voice.
NOTE: Colorful parrots live in
the rainforests cannot be changed to passive voice because the sentence does not have a
direct object.
To change a sentence
from active to passive voice, do the following:
1. Move the active sentence's direct object into the sentence's
subject slot
Place the active sentence's subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by
3. Add a form of the auxiliary verb be to the main
verb and change the main verb's form
Because passive voice
sentences necessarily add words and change the normal doer-action-receiver
of action direction, they may make the
reader work harderto understand the intended meaning.
As the examples below
illustrate, a sentence in active voice flows
more smoothly and is easier to understand than the same sentence in passive
It is generally
preferable to use the ACTIVE voice.
To change a passive
voice sentence into an active voice sentence, simply reverse the steps shown
1. Move the passive sentence's subject into the active sentence's
direct object slot
2. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the
main verb and change main verb's form if needed
Place the passive sentence's object of the preposition by into
the subject slot.
Because it is more
direct, most writers prefer to use the active voice whenever possible.
The passive voice may be
a better choice, however, when
- the doer of the action is unknown, unwanted, or
unneeded in the sentence
- the writer wishes to emphasize the action of the
sentence rather than the doer of the action
- the writer wishes to use passive voice for sentence variety
Passive Form Of Verbs
Many verbs may be used to make statements about the same event in two different ways.
Active Voice The boy (subject) opened the door (object).
Passive Voice The door (original object) was opened by the boy (original subject).
The passive voice is preferred when the “doer” of an action (or, the agent) is unimportant or unknown. Because of its impersonal tone, the passive voice is commonly found in textbooks, in scientific, technical or business reports, and in newspaper stories.
Example : The janitor opens the door every morning.
The door is opened by the janitor every morning.
Passive Of Verbs That Take Two Objects
With verbs that take indirect objects, either the direct or the indirect object may be the grammatical subject of the passive verb.
Active The company will give us the guarantee in writing
Passive We will be given the guarantee in writing
The guarantee will be given (to) us in writing.
(To is optional in the passive)
Example : She sent her husband a telegram
Her husband was sent a telegram
- Sasian Fenie. Kamus SMART Grammar – Tenses. 2004. Bintang Indonesia. Jakarta.
- Frank, Marcella. Modern English : Exercises For Non-Native Speakers Part 1 of Speech. New York: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1972.